Bruce E. Treiber, DDS

These Bad Habits Negatively Impact Dental Health

Nov 26, 2016 @ 03:00 PM — by Dr. Treiber
Tagged with: General Dentistry Preventative Dentistry

If you suffer from a serious case of tooth decay, gum disease, or dental injury, there are plenty of safe and state-of-the-art restorative dentistry treatments available. They can rebuild damaged tissue and improve your dental health. Of course, preventative care is most ideal, which is why we stress proper oral hygiene here at our Canton practice.

Lots of serious health issues are linked to bad habits. With that in mind, let's look at some bad dental health habits you should avoid if you'd like to keep you smile healthy and beautiful.

Smoking and Using Tobacco Products

Smoking is bad for your general health and has a number of negative effects on your dental wellness as well. Tobacco products will stain your teeth, make your breath smell bad, increase your risk of developing gum disease, and increase your risk of oral cancer. This is just another compelling reason to quit.

Biting Your Fingernails

Biting your nails is a major social faux pas, and something that might be awkward to do in public. In addition to the social sitgma, biting your fingernails can also lead to tooth damage, wearing down enamel and potentially causing chips and cracks. Be sure to avoid biting your fingernails.

Chewing on Hard and Inedible Objects

In addition to biting your fingernails, there are another of other objects that can cause damage to your teeth if you chew on them. This includes pen caps, drinking straws, and ice cubes. Try to chew on sugar-free gum instead of these hard objects. This will save your teeth from major damage.

Using Your Teeth Like a Pair of Scissors

When a bag of chips or a Blu-ray package is giving you a hard time, you may have used your teeth to tear open that pesky plastic. This can lead to tooth damage if you aren't careful, so it's best to avoid doing this. Remember: when a job calls for scissors, just use scissors.

Not Wearing a Mouth Guard During Sports

If you participate in contact sports or combat sports, major injuries can occur that affect the teeth, gums, tongue, and jaw. It's a good idea to wear proper mouth protection, face protection, and head protection to avoid major injuries.

Snacking on Sugary Junk Food

Candy, sugary foods, and other kinds of junk food can increase your risk of tooth decay and cavities. They can also have a negative effect on your overall health and wellness. Think of healthy snacks instead, like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Drinking Too Much Soda

Soft drinks are often packed full of sugar, and the carbonation can lead to erosion of your tooth enamel over time. Rather than drinking soda, think of staying hydrated with water. It's better for you and much more refreshing.

Not Brushing or Flossing Often Enough

Brushing and flossing your teeth is essential for a healthy smile, yet some people simply do not brush and floss enough. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and to floss your teeth at least once a night. Ideally, you should consider brushing and flossing after every meal.

Brushing and Flossing Too Aggressively

Sometimes it's not the lack of brushing or flossing that's bad but rather the way it's done. If you brush and floss too aggressively or roughly, it can lead to serious damage to the tooth enamel and the gums. Be sure to be gentle yet thorough when brushing and flossing.

Avoiding Regular Dental Checkups

Visiting your dentist twice a year is an important part of having a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime and getting minor problems treated before they become serious issues to overall wellness. Be sure to see your dentist every six months for proper checkups.

Learn More About Improving Your Dental Health and Wellness

For more information one preventing poor dental health and enhancing your smile, be sure to contact our advanced dental care center today. Our dental care team is here to help you smile with confidence.