Bruce E. Treiber, DDS

Red Wine and Coffee After Teeth Whitening

Nov 26, 2019 @ 11:45 AM — by Dr. Treiber
Tagged with: Teeth Whitening Cosmetic Dentistry

During teeth whitening treatment, a bleaching agent is applied to the surface of the teeth. This bleaching agent whitens the tooth enamel itself. That means that the stains aren’t removed per se but rather the entire tooth structure is whitened. Multiple sessions may be necessary to help achieve the optimal level of whitening.

Dr. Bruce E. Treiber gets many questions from patients about tooth discoloration after they’ve undergone whitening treatment. The team at our Canton, OH dental care center would like to consider the risk of stains after teeth whitening and what can be done about it.

Can My Teeth Get Stained After Teeth Whitening?


Even though teeth whitening treatment bleaches the entire tooth structure, that does not mean that the tooth enamel is stain resistant. You can still experience tooth discoloration as a result of smoking, eating certain foods, and drinking tea, coffee, and wine. In fact, the natural aging process can have a negative effect on the appearance of your smile over time.

Thankfully there are a lot ways to minimize discoloration in the long run. Our Canton dental care team provides the following advice to many teeth whining patients to help ensure long-term results.

Tips for Drinking Coffee After Teeth Whitening

Here’s some advice for keeping your teeth bright and white while having coffee:

Tips for Drinking Wine After Teeth Whitening

Here’s some advice for keeping your teeth bright and white while enjoying wine:

Touch-Up Teeth Whitening Treatment

Over time, your teeth are likely to become stained again. When they do, you can undergo touch-up teeth whitening sessions. We can discuss this and other ways of enhancing the appearance of your smile in more detail during a consultation.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

If you live in Canton and would like more information about teeth whitening and enhancing your smile, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic and restorative dentist. You can reach us by phone at (330) 478-4949.